Terms & Conditions


Additional Charges / Miscellanous

  1. All bookings are subject to the availability of our bus/es at the point of confirmation. All bookings are to be done via our online web portal. We suggest at least 5 days in advance of your service date as an appropriate lead time for booking. However, all bookings are still subject to the above.
  2. Cancellations / amendments if any, must be done 72hrs prior to date of service, Full Service Fee chargeable thereafter.
  3. Cancellations / amendments if any, are subject to the availability and capacity to accommodate the said requests.
  4. Standard Boarding / grace waiting period is 15 min, delay charges applies thereafter at 0.5 x 1-way fee [Not applicable for Disposal]. Full 1-Way Trip fee will be charged after 30min of delay.
  5. Delay charges for Disposal [Time-Based] charged at next Hour rate should Booking window be exceeded. [Different rates applies]
  6. Storage compartments chargeable at $10 for stowing of bulky items
  7. Additional stops [ie. Extra pick-up / drop-off location] are chargeable at a minimum from $30 per stop [Not applicable for Disposal] depending on distance between points. A maximum of $40 for longer distances, after which, a full 1-way fee is chargeable for additional points deemed to be out of the way or of great distance.
  8. No waiting is allowed at additional pick-up / drop off points. Please have passengers ready to board & alight. [Not applicable for Disposal]
  9. All requests for amendments after confirmation or booking are subjected to the availability of the assigned Bus and Driver.
  10. An administrative charge is imposed for amendments made after confirmation for situations where Bookabus are able to accommodate the amendments.
  11. Administrative charges are also applicable to special requests. Examples as follows:
  12. Pre-Viewing of Buses prior to booking
  13. Application of Passes to security sensitive venues
  • Early Requests for Bus & Driver Particulars for security clearance submission
  1. Route Mapping / Route Survey prior to confirmation
  2. Installation of event decors / Removing of any such decors
  3. Special Decals or Signage to be displayed
  • Airport Meet & Greet Services
  • Bottled Mineral Water



Use of service by Customer

Your passengers using the service must be at the pick up point at the stipulated time. Additional charges apply for any additional time rendered (after 15 minutes grace waiting period).

Payment of the service must be on time or late charges apply.

All personal belongings must be taken care of by your passengers, Bookabus or any of its vendors will not be liable nor responsible for any lost of items.

Bus capacity and loading must be adhered to strictly, Bookabus has the right to refuse any additional passengers or uninformed items/conditions such as:

  1. Extra baggage’s
  2. Bulky items
  3. Animals
  4. Explosive items
  5. Unruly behavior from passengers
  6. Food and Beverages

General Terms of Usage during Carriage

  1. No Smoking is allowed
  2. No Consumption of Food
  3. No Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
  4. No Consumption of Beverages in unsecured bottles / containers
  5. There is to be no infringement on the Bus capacity
  6. Strictly no standing within bus cabin
  7. There is to be no unruly or nuisance behavior
  8. No littering within Bus cabin

You agree that the passengers will not cause any inconvenience to the bus so as to keep the bus clean and of the same condition it is provided to you. If cleaning services is required, you will bear the full charges rendered by Bookabus from the cleaning company.



Terms and Conditions

  1. Terms of Use

Your use of Bookabus services (referred to as “service” in this document and excluding any services provided to you by Bookabus under a separate written agreement) is subjected to the terms of a legal agreement between you and Bookabus.

  1. Accepting the Terms

In order to use the service, you must first agree to the terms. You may not use the service if you do not accept the terms

You may not use the service and may not accept the terms if you are not of a legal age to form a binding agreement with Bookabus, or you are barred from receiving the service under the laws of Vietnam or other countries including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the service.

You can accept the terms by signing and confirming your booking on the quotation provided.

  1. Language of Terms

The English language will be the governing language used for this agreement. Any translation caused contradiction between what the English version of the terms says and what a translation says will be superseded by the English version of the agreement.

  1. Provision of the services by Bookabus

All buses provided will be in road worthy condition and shall comply with all the safety measure for the safe transportation of the passengers.

Bus drivers will have the necessary valid licenses and will be available for identification at all times.

Bookabus will indent another bus of similar capacity should the original intended bus be unavailable or in the event of unexpected vehicle breakdown.

In the event of the abovementioned circumstances, Bookabus will also provide Taxi relief claims for situations where replacement vehicle is unavailable or where the service provider and the customer are in mutual agreement. All other proposed alternatives by passengers will not be considered.